
Global Main Roadmap

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Real-time Main Projects Road-map

Amendments, changes and milestones should be recorded here.

RP - DFMP INITIAL - Initial Drayker Resolution Proposals

**All proposed resolutions presented here are the solutions to the requirements of Dk and Drayker platform and system, only those requirements are final. These motions for resolutions illustrate what should be done, but the definitive architecture will be structured around optimal solutions that are proposed and developed with metaprogramming intelligent algorithms and research organized through DFMP and other methods. **


Dates and times are shallow estimates to give you an idea of priorities, but DFM allows all aspects to be worked on by both independent and interested parties, if any volunteer wants to create a community and discussions about future roles can do it and even start building prototypes. The embassy needs to have a chronological and priority order to direct its focus and resources.

12012 - 12019 - Intelligence and R&D

In 12012 the process of research and development began. Name, logo and general idea of ​​the organization in mid 12010.

Base architecture

The foundation of the Dk and Platform architecture has been built and is constantly improving.

Distributed Kernel - Dk Dk is a form of distributed kernel based intelligence. A hybrid between rational, emerging and collective intelligence.


Drayker embassy works hard to get interdependent funding.

12019 - 12020 - Structure

Drayker initial

We have developed a model for formal collaboration specification called DFM, which will be the basis for cooperation in building Dk and platform.

Distributed Function Modeling - DFM

Distributed function modeling is a generalist method / protocol that structures data, events, and ontologies, breaking it all into small individual functions that are connected by synaptic functions called modules or modeling, which can connect to other modules in a distributed topology.

Reference Architecture

The reference architectures have been developed in the intelligence phase, in the structuring phase the architectures are formalized to go through the transition process.

Drayker transition

Drayker transition and the process of going through an opening to the world is when the volunteer recruitment process begins by activating the mass cooperation mechanisms.

12020 - 12024 - Engineering Dk 0.1

Base Structure DK - BSDK

Dk base system is an assembly data structure, which forms the basis for DFM, being the parent function of the entire function chain that forms Dk and the Drayker platform, these functions as the basis of a DNA, which integrates all functions and activation modules.

DNA Function Module structure

Function structure

Modeling structure


DNA FM language coupling VM

Programming coupling Kernel

Dk Network

A.I evolutionary structures


Living Cryptography

12023 - 12025 - Test-net

Test Global



A.I modules


Global evolutionary corrections

Simulated Test Global Evolutionary

Global security competition

Structure implementation reference

12021 - 12026 - Drayker 0.1

Project and Application platform base

UID Super Dk App





Collaborated project models

OSDK interface

Dknowledge g interface

12026 - 12027

Dk Personal UIDApp

Brain extension App

Dk Work App

Dk Academy App

Dk Organization Model Projects

Groups m

Teams m

County m

12027 - 12029 - Dk 1.0

Dknowledge 1.0

OSDK 1.0

Evolutionary generally platform 1.0

Super distributed computing, power 3 Pfps dedicated minimum or Dk

Universal Dk neural language 0.1

Brain net 0.1

12027 - 12030 - Drayker 1.0

First Main projects 1.0

Start building the first embassy